This Pediatric First Aid class meets the MN Department of Human Services Child Care Licensing Pediatric First Aid training requirements for childcare staff in Minnesota. This online class is easy and convenient! It teaches students how to respond and manage injuries and illnesses in an infant or child until professional help arrives. This class can be completed in one hour and you will be able to print a Pediatric First Aid training certificate to fulfill the MN Department of Human Services Child Care Licensing Pediatric First Aid training requirement! Price is $16.00 Per Person
This Pediatric First Aid class meets the MN Department of Human Services Child Care Licensing Pediatric First Aid training requirements for childcare staff in Minnesota. This online class is easy and convenient! It teaches students how to respond and manage injuries and illnesses in an infant or child until professional help arrives. This class can be completed in one hour and you will be able to print a Pediatric First Aid training certificate to fulfill the MN Department of Human Services Child Care Licensing Pediatric First Aid training requirement!
In this one hour training you will learn about food allergies including how to prevent, manage and respond to allergic reactions and cover Allergy Prevention and Response Training on MN Statutes, section 245A.41, subd. 1 This class also includes our Medication Administration class. Upon completion of this class a certificate of completion will be issued. Price is $8.00 Per Person (2 classes in one!)
Eight sheets of preprinted, color coded, self adhesive labels. Each sheet contains four 3.5" by 5" labels. You will have enough labels to create 4 sets of Food Service/Classroom spray bottles and 4 sets of Diapering/Bathroom spray bottles. Food Service/Classroom sets include; Cleaner, Rinse and Sanitizer. Diapering/Bathroom sets include; Cleaner, Rinse and Disinfectant. Please note, we also sell water proof labels. If you order these labels, we recommend covering the labels with clear packing tape for protection.
This 1.5 hour class meets the Child Care Center (Rule 3) Minnesota Department of Human Services Licensing training requirements for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), Abusive Head Trauma (AHT), and Mandated Reporting. (Please DO NOT take this course if you are from family childcare/Rule 2- this is not the class you need). The content includes recommendations to reduce Sudden, Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) including SIDS, suffocation, and other sleep related infant deaths; safe sleep environments; MN Child Care regulations related to safe sleep; as well as symptoms and consequences of abusive head trauma, risk factors for abusive head trauma; strategies to use when stressed, angry or frustrated as well as mandated reporting requirements. Price is $8.00 Per Person (2 classes in one!)
Eight sheets of waterproof preprinted, color coded, self adhesive labels. Each sheet contains four 3.5" by 5" labels. You will have enough labels to create 4 sets of Food Service/Classroom spray bottles and 4 sets of Diapering/Bathroom spray bottles. Food Service/Classroom sets include; Cleaner, Rinse and Sanitizer. Diapering/Bathroom sets include; Cleaner, Rinse and Disinfectant.